and seriously, who is moore+one?
Don’t worry you’re not the first to ask this question and (even in light of this post) you won’t be that last. And that’s ok.
Moore+One or, mooreplusone is the brainchild of me; Jason Moore. If this were an equation, I’d be the “moore” part. And you…well you’re the 1. That’s right. without even knowing it, you’re exactly who I had in mind when I put the one after “moore”.
See – design isn’t necessarily synergistic, but having a design business is. I can sit around all day thinking up cool things, drawing pictures, painting walls. But without clients who have a need for cutting edge design work, there is no service. Without clients who dream big things and have a need to get those things out in front of others, there is no collaboration. And that is the essence of why I do what I do. To serve my clients. To collaborate with people who have a need…As partners.
Let’s face it…anyone with a weekend and a well-known, overly priced photo-editing program could probably manage to put something together. But that isn’t why you’re here. You’re here to see what I can do and whether I can help you. You can find those examples in my portfolio.
So that’s it. Me + You = moore+one
Enjoy your visit, and if I can be of any further service (or answer any questions), please …
More About
my experience in design
I utilize product discovery techniques, analytics, and prototyping to develop responsive user-facing solutions for complex systems. With a strong graphic design background in digital and print media, I have a solid aptitude for building interfaces and products that deliver a delightful experience, matched with equal functionality.
A motivational leader, I excel at supervision and mentoring to foster engagement, collaboration, and performance among multi-disciplinary teams across departments. I am skilled in recruitment, training, performance reviews, and workforce scheduling. I also optimize team productivity, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and quality. I am proficient at solving problems by analyzing processes and workflows, identifying issues, and implementing organizational change and process improvements. I can manage multi-site teams and operations while working remotely.
I effectively manage projects and full life-cycle Agile development with lean processes to deliver results on time and within budget. I direct the full process through scoping, requirements, development, and sign off. I ensure products and services adhere to all quality standards, corporate goals, regulatory requirements, and industry standards.
Over the course of my career, I have had the privilege of providing web application, mobile and design solutions for Google, Sun Microsystems, HP, Veri-Fone (formally Hypercom), Gordon Biersch Brewing Company, Hill-Rom, Stations Casino, and a host of other tech and industry-based companies in Silicon Valley and the Western United States.
Need to reach me? (406) 580-9023, or jason@mooreplusone.com
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